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All towns in the U.S. and Europe are in here!
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All towns in the U.S. and in Europe are in here!
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Here you can role play in motels, but also hotels, inns etc.
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Here you can role play scenarios that take place while in a vehicle.
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Role Play in Diners, Restaurants, Cafes etc.
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Role Play in bars, clubs, taverns and maybe even the occasional Roadhouse.
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Here is where you can visit anything dealing with retail, whether it be department stores, pawn shops, general stores etc.
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You can role play scenarios that take place in the woods here! It can be someone on a hunt, running from someone or even something as simple as camping! Whatever you like.
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Here you may role play in places such as recreational parks to relax or have a picnic, amusement parks to have fun on rides and see animals - whatever you like.
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Are the locations of the other boards not what you're looking for? Here you may create threads for places such as Tourist Attractions like the Eiffel Tower or the Beach etc.